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W-M Formation: strenghs and weaknesses

 The W-M formation is a tactical formation that was widely used in the early 20th century, particularly in the 1920s and 1930s. It was developed by Herbert Chapman, who was the manager of Arsenal Football Club in th 1920s. The formation consists of three defenders, two wing-halves, three forwards, and two inside forwards. The name "W-M" comes from the shape that the players make on the field when viewed from above.

In this formation, the three defenders form a line across the back, with the two full-backs (left and right) flanking the center back. The wing-halves are positioned slightlu furthter up thee field and are responsible for both defending and attacking on the wings. The three forwards form a line up front, with the center forward playing as a traditional striker and the two wingers providing support and width to the attack. The two inside forwards are positioned between the wingers and the center forward and are responsible for linking up the attack and midfield.


. Defensive solidity: With three defenders across the back, the W-M formation offers good defensive cover. The two wing-halves can also drop back to help defend, making it difficult for the opposition to break through.

. Attacking options: The three forwards and two inside forwards provide a strong attacking presence. The wingers can stretch the opposition defense and create space for the center forward to operate in.

. Flexibility: The W-M formation allows for flexibility in terms of attacking and defending. The two inside forwards can drop back to help defend or push forward to support the attack, depending on the situation.

. Control of midfield: With the two wing-halves and two inside forwards, the W-M formation can control the midfiled and dictate the pace of the game.


. Vulnerable counter- attacks: The W-M formation can be vulnerable to counter-attacks, especially if the wing-halves push too far forward.

. Requires disciplined defenders: The three defenders in the W-M formation need to bee disciplined and communicate well with each other to avoid leaving gaps in the defense.

. Lack of width: The W-M formation relies heavily on the wingers to provide width, which can be a disadvantage if the opposition team can effectively nullify them.

. Limited support for full-backs: The full-backs in the W-M formation may not have enough support from the wing-halves, which can leave them isolated and vulnerable to attacks down the flanks.

Overall, the W-M formation was designed to be a balanced formation that provided both attacking and defensive solidity. It was highly successful in its time, with many clubs and national teams adopting it. It requires z well drilled team and disciplined defenders to make it work.
